Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A word from our Racers!!!

Today's blog entry we are going to hear from some of our awesome staff who are running the 10km race on Aug. 28th.  I am going to try and interview as many staff as I can-to get their perspective on why they are running, what they like about it, and what it means to them to be part of the SP team raising funds for SP Liberia projects.

Our first interviewee is Weemor Kollie-she has one of the hardest job's here at SP Liberia-she is Bossman's administrative assistant!!! Please pray for her ;)
Weemor- Has worked for SP Liberia for 2 years (photo by Isaac)

Here are some of the things Weemor told me about running. 

BK- "Weemor, what do you like best about running?"
Weemor:- (sighs), Well, it has help free my muscles in my legs (her muscles feel strong) and the stomach exercise help my stomach muscles."
BK:  "Have you run before?"
Weemor: "No, in school a little."
BK: "As a team SP member what are your thoughts about running to raise money for our SP projects?"
Weemor: "It is great! At least to be part of the support to SP and our work here."
BK: "Weemor, what is your favorite SP project?"
Weemor: "The Vacation Bible School Program!"

Next I visited our great Ministry office to talk to Pastor David Owen-who has worked for us for almost 5 years! Again, photo by Isaac...

BK: "Pastor Owen what do you like best about running?"
Pastor Owen: "Well, I like the exercise and I really enjoy it-I like that it helps you stay healthy and you be discipline.
BK: "Did you run before now?" 
Pastor Owen: "Yes, I ran in Highschool"
BK: What does it mean to you to run for team SP?
Pastor Owen: "I like the teamwork that SP Liberia is coming together to run for a common goal that people can support for our projects.  It brings unity for our SP projects."
BK: "What is your favorite SP project?"
Pastor Owen: "I like the CLP project, hearing about people learning how to read and write I really want to see that program!"

These are just two members of our spectacular staff that our running on Aug. 28th.  I will be featuring two more staff members later on this week-for them to share why they enjoy running and what it means to them to be running for team SP.  One of the best things about our staff running is it has given my another reason to run-I run to be with, laugh with and encourage our staff.  They all work so hard, have been through so much-and give daily for the projects that we are doing here.  I run for them-and am super proud of every single one!

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