So let's continue our talk about commitment...We have talked about making commitments and how it is a little easier for us to commit to something when we are passionate about it. In fact-you commit to reading this blog...hmmm can I ask why? I am guessing it is more than just reading about some ALMOST 40 something crazy, running, mudsling'n mama right? Let's hope so...
Here is the deal-and as I write this I am scared crudless (trying to keep it PG here) about the commitment I have made...again...the last time I made this commitment it took me on a journey of pain, suffering, tears, loneliness, joy, thankfulness, strength, weakness and more JOY again. No, I am not going to write another PhD (hit me with something really big if I do), no, I am not going to dip into the adoption pool again and no I am not taking on another job (a dozen is more than enough ;). I AM however, going to run another marathon...yes, you read that right-even I can't believe it!
The SP UK office was short a runner-and although I was to take a year off-they asked me if I would commit to running again for SP at the London Marathon. I found my mind saying "Yes, of course!" and my body saying "WHOA hold on a little second there grey matter-do you not remember the PAIN I put you through on April 17th?" But there I was, phone in hand telling Andy, "It would be an HONOR to run the marathon again for the people of Liberia..."
I have never given birth to a child so I am not even going to TRY and pretend to know what that is like. But I am sure like the second time you have a child -you know what it is going to be like-how painful and yet joyful it will be-and as my sister has told me "you just keep praying, just get me through this day and to tomorrow!" Obviously, I have run a marathon-so I know full well what I am getting myself into-which has led me to a place I have visited before. The town of "What the heck are you doing?" Population- me- and well, if you have uttered these words since reading this-then set up your tent cuz you are a resident!
This commitment, again, has drawn me back to the title of this blog-'ybevruns'. Why do I run? Why am I running a marathon again? How can I get that running mojo again? As I thought through these tough questions I was looking through some pictures-and I saw it...the Bev who runs and the Bev who does not run...
The Bev that does not run: The Bev that runs!
Let me show you some more....
Running Bev= NO stress...
And just to really drive the point home to make me realize what running for OTHERS does for me...
Umm....someone needs to go on a run...
The Bev picture above ( This Bev is: tired, gets angry way to fast, is a pessimist, doesn't smile as much as she should, starts to feel sorry for herself, feels ugly, feels like a dumb jock, gets way to selfish, doesn't see a beautiful ocean out her window-only sees the rain and the yucky seaweed...we really don't want to be around this Bev-and I am sorry for those who have to be!!!
I like this Bev better...(the one on the left :)
Now this picture is the Bev who took that run-and continues to run. She is: full of energy, lots of smile lines (NO they are not wrinkles!), laughs, is more concerned for others then herself, bakes for people, encourages, is humbled and grateful that God allows her to run, that He brought her to Liberia, He has given her the most amazing two little boys, amazing family and friends, this Bev looks outside the window-rain or shine-and her breath is taken away at the utter beauty and power of the ocean and God's creation. This Bev, she commits to something and sticks to it. I think you would like her...
I run to be this person-to be a person of gratitude for being able to run- a person who takes her eyes of herself and serve those that God puts in my path every single day. If I didn't run for these reasons I would be that other, crusty Bev. This is why I have committed to running the London marathon again. This is my commitment: To run for those who we serve, the men, women and children of Liberia -still recovering and rebuilding after war. The need is still here-running the last marathon did not 'fix' all that was broken here in Liberia during the 14 year civil war.
There is more work to do, more training to be done, more people to serve, more commitments to be made...I know many of you committed to helping last year-and for that you will never know how grateful I am. But maybe there are some that did not-or maybe you want to commit again-I don't know-but if you do, (link is below) please understand that you are not making a committment with me-but with people of Liberia who struggle every day to make a better life.
Today is the first day of my commitment to the 2012 London Marathon-to serve the people of Liberia-I feel better already :)